Gilbert C. Bagsic, PhDN
PURSUANT to Republic Act No. 11036 or the Mental Health Act of the Philippines, through the School Health and Nutrition Section of the Schools Governance and Operations Division of DepEd Cabuyao conducted the 2023 Division Mental Health Symposium, with the theme “Coalition Building Approach: Key on Responding to the Mental Health Needs and Challenges of Adolescent Learners”. This is DepEd SDO Cabuyao’s response to its legal mandate and result of need analysis report revealing the need for a mental health awareness among parents and learners in the SDO and as part of the School Mental Health Program of Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd.
The activity was conducted last March 3, 2023, at the covered Court of Pulo National High School, Cabuyao City. Attended by parents, learners, and representatives from secondary schools. Opening remark was given by Mrs. Ma. Melinda Dela Torre, HT-III of PNHS, followed by inspirational message and statement of purpose were delivered by Dr. Marites O. Isleta and Dr. Jose Charlie S. Aloquin respectively.
The experts invited to talk were Ms. Cel Casas Gonzales, Mental Health Advocate and Quality Control director of The One ALGON place foundation Inc., Ms. Shalini S. Barroso, Dean of the College of Health Allied Sciences from the University of Cabuyao, Coach Dhave Javier from the Provincial Moral Support Office and Atty. Jerica Clara S. Machado, Attorney III of SDO Cabuyao.
The speakers talked on topics regarding concepts of mental health, resilience, coping strategies, child protection policies, and red flags of mental health problems among learners and how are they going to cope with these problems.
The mental health symposium panelists also helped in addressing the different mental health related problems and concerns of parents, teachers, and learners. These are Dr. Donna Jean B. Aniñon Medical Officer III, Ms. Marites O. Isleta, EdD Public Schools District Supervisor, Mr. Philip D. Cruz Education Program Supervisor Values Formation/ SPED Focal Person, Mr. Allan O. Cantalejo Public Schools District Supervisor, Mrs. Arvie Celeste Rubio, RGC, Education Program Specialist-ALS and Registered Guidance Counselor, Mr. Tomas A. Dorado, EdD Education Program Specialist- HRDS and former guidance counselor, Dr. Tetic Santos David Reproductive Health Advocate City Population Commission Officer of Cabuyao City and Nurse Donna Hain from the City Health Office.
DepEd Cabuyao plans to hold series of discussions and advocacies in other schools because mental health is crucial to all learners, teachers, personnel, and parents. Advocating mental health and promoting mental wellness in DepEd Schools and community is a collaborative effort and responsibility of everyone. Let us join our hands in supporting each other towards a mentally healthy Department of Education and community.