April 2018

April 2018

April 30

UM No. 157 s.2018

  • Evaluation, Validation and Ocular Inspection of Private Schools Applying for Government Recognition S.Y. 2018-2019

April 27

UM No. 156 s.2018

  • Addendum to Division Orientation on International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Cum Learning Workshop on Gender and Development (GAD) on Office Transactions

UM No. 155 s.2018

  • List of Attendees for 2018 RACAS Regional Summer Workshops and Conferences

April 25

UM No. 154 s. 2018

  • Consultative Meeting of Alternative Learning System Implementers

Division Advisory No. 48 s.2018

  • Invitational Attendance to International Seminar-Workshop on Understanding Educational Laws for Better School Stewardship of the Philippine Pedagogical Institute

April 24

Division Advisory No. 047 s. 2018

  • Invitational Attendance to the Action Research Project on Improving Food and Nutrition Security in the Philippines through School Intervention of International Institute of Rural Reconstruction

Division Memorandun No. 017 s.2018

  • Submission of Project and program Proposals for the School Year 2018-2019 of CID, SGOD and OSDS Personnel to SGOD (C/O Planning Unit) For Consolidation and Reference Purposes

UM No. 153 s.2018

  • 2018 Division Oplan Balik Eskwela Information and Action Center (OBEIAC)

April 20

UM No. 151 s.2018

  • Invitation to the 1st National Enviro Camp Cum Youth National Leadership Training 2018

April 19

UM No. 150 s.2018

  • Division Mass Training of Receiving Teachers on Multi-Factored Assessment Tool (MFAT)

UM No. 149 s.2018

  • Division Mass Training of Receiving Teachers on Special Education

April 18

Division Advisory No. 046 s.2018

  • Call for Research Papers for the 5th CALABARZON Research and Statistics Forum

UM No. 148 s.2018

  • Conduct of On-Site Inspection/Validation of Recognize Private School

April 17

UM No. 147 s.2018

  • Pre-Planning Committee Meeting on Division Mass Training of Receiving Teachers on Special Education/Teachers on Multi-Factored Assessment Tool (MFAT)

Division Advisory No. 045 s.2018

  • Invitational Attendance to the 1st International Mentoring Conference of the University of Asia and the Pacific

April 16

UM No.144 s.2018

  • Submission of the SY 2017-2018 Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) of All Teaching Personnel and School-Based Non-Teaching Personnel

UM No.146 s.2018

  • School Building Inventory and Inspection

UM No.145 s.2018

  • Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Signing Between the City Schools Division of Cabuyao and City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office

April 13

Division Advisory No. 044 s.2018

  • Invitational Attendance to the Mathematics Division of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (IMSP) of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) Mathtex 2018: Teacher Training on Algebra

April 12

April 11

April 6

April 5

April 4
